Tuesday, March 24, 2020


The second easiest way to bind a quilt is a self-binding. Start with one of the layers (front or back) and the batting cut at least 3" smaller than the other.  The bigger piece will be folded twice and rolled to the other side.  This should be done after the quilt has been tied or machine quilted.

Start by folding once, about 3/8-1/2". 

Fold a second time, making sure the binding overlaps the quilt top.

Here is an easy way to do the corners.  As you are folding to the corner, take the folded fabric and fold again to make a triangle-the fold touching the quilt top. 

Then start rolling the next side.

  It gives a nice mitered look.

Here the self binding is all pinned, and yes, I got ahead of myself and had to un-pin it to quilt it first.

After quilting or tying, go ahead and sew the binding on.  I like to use a wavy stitch and make sure the stitch goes to the edge of the binding so it can slip undone.

It looks like this:

Binding All Done!  ;)

Monday, March 23, 2020


Quilts are so fun!  There are so many options and different kinds to make.  Quilting is my favorite kind of sewing :)  

No binding quilt:
This is the easiest and quickest kind of way to make a quilt.  Cut 2 fabric pieces the size you want (or use a quilt top you have peiced), and cut batting to match.  Lay fabric pieces, right sides together, and then lay batting on top.

Pin all around.  I like to put the pins far enough away from the edges that I don't have to worry about moving them as I sew around.  I also like to put to pins going the opposite direction, like a gate, to remind me to leave an opening for turning.  I start at one end of my "gate" and sew around the quilt until I reach the other side of the "gate".  

It's easier to sew if the batting is on the bottom, where the feed dogs can help push it through and it's not getting caught in the presser foot :)  I like to do a 5/8" seam allowance.

Clip corners and any overhanging batting.  

Turn quilt right side out.  Push corners out all the way.  

Pin opening shut.  Stitch with about 1/4" topstitch.  Yay!!!!  No binding!!!  :)  

Can either machine quilt or tie. This batting says it needs to be quilted or tied every 4 inches. 

Self-binding quilt:

Binding quilt:

Sewing a Mask

  Supplies needed:  scrap fabric, elastic It is helpful to have 2 different fabrics, so that when your are wearing it,  you always know whic...